Juno Journal March 23'

JUNO Journal: March 2023

News & Views

Refreshed, Reset, Ready

We seized the opportunity over the past month or two to reset and refresh. At JUNO we find that every few years it’s useful to pause and take stock.

‘Start, Stop, Continue’ is one frame of reference that we use. JUNO is small in scale yet huge in impact. Our offering is unique. We have been innovators in the Leadership Development and Coaching arenas for over two decades. Our point of difference is alignment to purpose, making a difference through human connection, and immersive experiences on topics that matter. Our clients and partners are diverse and we can adapt to meet them wherever they are.

We want to be useful to you and be easy to do business with. Right now you are reading the first section of our revamped ‘Journal’. We’ve changed it up to feature News and Views. Punchy and relevant is the quest.

Our website has had an overhaul too. Ease of access is the aim, along with concise content, and clarity of offer. We hope that you find this reflected in our refreshed and reset site. Click here www.junoinstitute.com.au

There’s plenty happening at JUNO as always. We look forward to sharing our ‘News and Views’ with you on a monthly basis. Keep an eye on your inbox and LinkedIn in the last week of each month, and you can subscribe here to have it arrive directly where you want it.

Do you need help with workforce diversity?

Workforce diversity has been topical in client conversations, both late last year and early this year.

Check out this data point on workforce diversity…

“In 2023 and beyond, workplace diversity will continue to play a critical role in retaining valuable talent. Currently, 70% of companies believe they effectively attract and retain diverse employees, yet only 11% really understand what it is.”

At JUNO we are often in conversation with corporate organisations about workforce diversity. We have deep community connections and a rich history in assisting less fortunate members of the community find meaningful employment.

Workforce diversity is a complex area. Employing people from disadvantaged backgrounds has loads of merit. However it requires dedicated and, at times, quite intensive support infrastructure.

At JUNO we can assist your organisation to understand the nuance and complexity associated with workforce diversity. We can also help you build the requisite support structures that will help you to play a role in transforming the lives of those less fortunate. The bonus here is, helping you to address your current talent shortage.

Keen to know more? Contact Paul Lacey, JUNO’s Director at placey@junoin.com.au.

What’s on our mind at JUNO that might be on yours too?
In this Section of our News and Views we pause for a short time to wonder about a current challenge.

What’s on our mind at JUNO that might be on yours too?

In this Section of our News and Views we pause for a short time to wonder about a current challenge.

Getting Training and Learning to ‘stick’

We see it all too often across the spectrum of organisations and leadership development cohorts. Financial and other investment made, training and learning interventions attended, lessons learned, materials provided, concepts and content absorbed, notes taken. Ready, Set, Go… back to where you were. What the..?

‘What happened to the vigour, determination and resolve to get the tools you need to change your situation for the better? Why do nothing (or not much) about it once you have attended the Program, been coached in the methods, and acquired the knowledge?’

It’s a timeless challenge that we know our Mentors and Proteges face time and time again. These challenges are evident not just in our Adaptive Leaders Program but across our full suite of learning and coaching Programs and interventions. 

Can you hear Jordan Peterson? “12 Rules for Life”, ‘Why wont you just take your damn pills?’

We know at JUNO that if people stay the distance and apply the learning, real and lasting change happens. It’s the Kirkpatrick model in action: ‘Reaction, Learning, Behaviour, Results’. Results happen, sustainable change manifests. The world shifts. The challenge continues. 
Our Programs at JUNO are immersive and experiential. We have an outstanding track record of getting ‘sticky’ results. Click here to see our suite of Programs, and then let’s have a conversation about achieving sticky results in your organisation.

Reads and Listens of the Month

At JUNO we read plenty and we listen to lots connected to Leadership, Leadership Development, Coaching and more. To stay current we have too.

Each month we’ll include a link (or two or three) to an article or podcast that is topical and timely for you to read or listen to and reflect on. Curating and sharing is just our humble way of contributing to the pursuit of excellence in all things leading and leadership. 

For this month:

Here’s a short read from Inc. on the power of building community in workplaces. We are naturally wired for relationships. Enjoy


If we grabbed your attention earlier on workforce diversity, here’s a 10 minute Podcast that might push your thinking about diversity and leadership along further.


Here’s a short read from Inc. on the power of building community in workplaces. We are naturally wired for relationships. Enjoy


‘The Voice’ of JUNO Program Participants:

Making a Difference through Human Connection

I’ve participated in leadership programs over the years, but the work with JUNO is like no other. It went deep into my heart and mind to understand the leader I was at that time, and helped me form a picture of the leader I wanted to be.”

Michelle Walter, Head of Design Operations, Design Office, ANZ

Thank you for reading Juno Institute’s Journal

As you set your Plans and Strategies for Development in 2023 please reach out at any time on anything and everything to do with Leadership Development and Coaching: Adaptive, Authentic, Self, Strengths, bespoke and more. We’d certainly love to help you.

Contact JUNO here: Phone: +61 3 9866 7993; Mobile: +61 4 0854 3320

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