Programs Impactful Leaders Program
Impactful Leaders Program
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Have you ever reflected back on your leaders from the past?
What made one inspiring and another one anxiety provoking. Why was it that with some you felt confident and self assured whilst others made you feel hestitent and fearful of their reaction, feeling the weight of their expectation.

It is evident that mastering a technical skills or being good at your job does not make you a GOOD leader, it’s unfortunate then that we use this metric to source our new leaders.

So something to muse over… Leadership is not about the skill sets you have mastered over the years but rather the mindset you are able to foster when facing and overcoming challenges. In fact leadership IS the skill of mindset and the fostering of a mature and highly impactful mindset in ourselves, our peers, and our organisations.

We’ve all felt it, we all know it, now we have an opportunity for you to learn it. The JUNO Impactful leaders Program has been designed to be a comprehensive journey through the leadership experience, rather than the more common approach of targeting a specific style, i.e. Strength Based Leadership, Strategic Leadership. To do this we look at who, where and what the role of leadership impacts, and use this as our guide to explore better and more effective ways to lead; be that to lead ourselves, our teams, our clients, or our organisations.


We see the Impactful Leadership journey as an important addition for leaders at all levels.

Phase 1: ‘Self’ The art of reflection
  • Exploring the processes behind limiting or unhelpful unconscious behaviours and resistance, that lead to avoidance, fear, and anxiety
  • Shifting situational reflection away from unhelpful assumptions towards broad observation and data collection
  • Participating in the activity of daily reflective practice to fully integrate authenticity and empathy into the professional setting
  • Learning to be more adaptive and optimistic inside the rigidity of the workplace
Learning Outcomes
  • Developing greater self-direction, stronger relationships, more ease, and clearer internal processes
  • Exploring the internal human experience and understanding the limitations of jumping to conclusions and predetermining answers/outcomes
  • Developing the art of critical reflection; to be comfortable with being uncomfortable
Phase 2: ‘Others’ The art of service
  • Learning the 4 pillars of ‘Active Coaching’ to enable others to have more ownership over their own growth
  • Learning the nuanced art of impactful coaching techniques
  • Exploring the meaning of leadership and the emerging skillset required to move from managing others to leading others
  • Learning the art of leading through ‘being in service’ to your team and creating a consistent, stable, and sustainable environment
Learning Outcomes
  • Knowing what motivates teams to be at their best
  • Developing the skill set of coaching others to find solutions for themselves and have greater ownership and accountability
  • Learning the importance of ‘being in service’ and the impact this has on you and your teams’ growth
Phase 3: ‘System’ The art of impact
  • Connecting ‘Self’ and ‘Others’ to purpose, meaning, future investment and growth
  • Mapping current challenges to future opportunities and creating strong strategies for organisational impact
Learning Outcomes
  • Incorporating self-reflection and investment in the team that improves strategic planning, enabling clearer and more sustainable pathways for achievement as well as increased performance
  • Shifting perspective away from the rigid metric of performing vs not performing, and success vs failure in order to sustain leadership without burnout
  • Creating a comprehensive mind map of personal and organisation outcomes with a deeper clarity on criteria for success
Phase 4: ‘Consolidation’ – Reflect and Refine for Deeper Integration (Optional)
Outline & Learning Reinforcements
  • Revisiting the journey from the perspective of experience to refine understandings and future actions to increase leadership capability
  • Exploring the journey with the program participants and collaborate on installing learnings into organisational culture
  • Expanding further on each phase of the program for greater and deeper limitation
  • Refining each participant’s personal leadership identity to have a greater reach and impact on the organisational culture and community

Enquire on behalf of your organisation

If you would like to discuss our leadership programs and how they’d integrate with your organisation, call us on +61 3 9866 7993 during 9 am – 5 pm weekdays or use the form below.

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