Juno Journal May 23'

JUNO Journal: May 2023

News & Views

The ‘stats’ are compelling…

One of the challenges often faced here at JUNO is the dreaded budget challenge.

“We’d love to commit to a Program because we absolutely see the need and recognise your value, JUNO, but we are budget strapped right now.” Is a common response, that we understand of course.

The Business Case for investing in development though is compelling. We recently stumbled across some really powerful stats. Well worth sharing with you our trusty reader, client, partner, and advocate. Our thanks to HRM, published by AHRI, for the inspiration.

A McKinsey & Co survey found that employees who report that their organisation invests in leadership development programs are 64 percent more likely to rate their senior leaders as inclusive.

A study of 2000+ leaders by Potential Project revealed that job performance improved by 20 percent when a leader was compassionate and humane in their approach. The Potential Project also concluded that engagement levels improved by 53 percent and burnout levels dropped by 64 percent.

A Gartner study found a 37 percentage point increase in the number of employees reporting higher engagement when their leader was more human in their approach. Higher engagement, better inclusivity, stronger performance are just some of the results that derive from investing in leadership development initiatives.

As 2023 / 2024 Budget time rolls around, if you need assistance with preparing your Business Case for investing in leadership development, with JUNO, please contact us. We’d be very happy to help.

Reads and Listens of the Month

At JUNO we read plenty and we listen to lots connected to Leadership, Leadership Development, Coaching and more. We have too, to stay current.

Each month we’ll include a link (or two or three) to an article or podcast that is topical and timely for you to read or listen to and reflect on. Curating and sharing is just our humble way of contributing to the pursuit of excellence in all things leading and leadership.

For this month:

A short read from Inc on Servant Leadership:


Feeling Disengaged at Work? Here’s How to Recommit:

It’s normal to feel mentally checked out at work from time to time. But especially in times of economic uncertainty, when your job stability could be in question, it’s important to check back in and refocus on your professional reputation. Start by determining your career commitments.

Ask yourself, “What do I want to be known for at work?” Perhaps it’s your enthusiasm, great communication skills, reliability, or ability to work well under pressure. These might be new skills you want to learn, or old ones you want to fine-tune or improve. Then, commit to an action plan to bring these skills to life. You don’t need to make big, sweeping changes—even small shifts in body language, mindset, communication, visibility, or productivity can result in a significant and lasting impact on your reputation. Finally, commit to solving simple but impactful problems. Don’t underestimate how much value you can add just by sharing or applying what you already know.

Being an impactful problem solver could be as simple as showing a coworker how to use a tool they’re unfamiliar with, or troubleshooting an issue that’s impeding your team’s productivity. As you embark on these next steps, avoid seeking external validation from others as the only measure of your success. The investment you’re making in your career is invaluable.

The piece above was adapted from “You Checked Out at Work. Here’s How to Check Back
by Octavia Goredema

What Makes You Happy (A glass of tap water when you are thirsty):


‘The Voice’ of JUNO Program Participants:

Making a Difference through Human Connection

“In my journey with JUNO I have gained a lot of valuable experience, learning many different things. The most important being the group activities and mock interviews with staff, students and my mentors. Recently I also obtained a job in packing in a warehouse, where I learned the job and met new people. I was also emailed resource material such as current jobs available to look at on the website, which was useful. This course was very informative and interesting with lots that I have learned from it. Thank you for all your help, time and teaching.”

Karin, Job Find Jobseeker.

Get creative: Imagine they are all naked

You enter the meeting room two minutes ahead of schedule, eyes down. Beyond the drone of the ‘air con’ and tapping on keyboards there’s silence. Most gaze at screens, scrolling. Others just stare, without contemplating conversation. There are no windows. You can’t see the world outside. You know some of the people, others you’ve seen around but never met. Why are they all here?

Nerves and anxiety have you gripped. Your presentation is first up. You want to turn and walk out the door. Presenting to ‘strangers’ is among your deepest fears. When it’s over some will label you ‘odd’ and ‘eccentric’. Better than ‘dull’ and ‘plain’ you resolve. It’s time. You’re on. Deep breath. This crisis needs your unique insight, and original thinking.

They need your creativity. They are all ‘naked’. “Good morning everyone, let me begin…”

You’ve just read a piece of micro-fiction. Yes, as real as it may have felt for you, it’s fiction. Fiction connected to the real world of Character Strengths and their optimal use in everyday situations. Keen to know more about the work we do on Strengths at JUNO? Let’s chat.

Tiny Thought, with thanks to Farnham Street

You can outwork someone by outsmarting them. The person who digs a hole with their hands is quickly passed by someone who uses a shovel. Outsmarting is a form of leverage. The combination of smarter and harder makes you unstoppable.

JUNO Graduations, Mock Interview Workshops & Client Celebrations for the month

Thank you for reading Juno Institute’s News and Views

As you set your Plans and Strategies for Development looking towards the new Financial Year please reach out at any time on anything and everything to do with Leadership Development and Coaching: Adaptive, Authentic, Self, Strengths, bespoke and more. We’d certainly love to help you.

Contact JUNO here: Phone: +61 3 9866 7993; Mobile: +61 4 0854 3320

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